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HR Technology Implementation Project Management
Getting Started
Introduction to DayoneHR (4:54)
Meet the Facilitators (8:08)
Course Outline (7:07)
Module 1 - Definitions
What is HR Technology Implementation? (5:32)
How is HR Technology Implementation similar to a project? (6:35)
Things to Consider during HR Technology Implementation (13:06)
QUIZ- Definitions
Module 2 - Team Set-up & Preparation
Selecting the Stakeholders (7:10)
Communication with HR Tech Provider (6:41)
Coordination with IT Team (5:31)
Final Sign-off & Project-wide Communication (6:31)
QUIZ - Team Set-up & Preparation
Module 3 - Stages of HR Technology Implementation
Project Plan (11:23)
Designing & Customizing the System (6:47)
Data Migration (8:43)
System Testing (7:00)
HR Tech Training (9:37)
Launch and Sustain (8:44)
QUIZ - Stages of HR Technology Implementation
Module 4 - What’s next for your newly implemented HR Tech Platform?
HR Technology Implementation Success (5:41)
Upscaling Your HR Tech Platform (6:30)
Process Completion and Documentation (8:13)
Expanding your HR Tech Stack (6:27)
Downloadable HR Implementation Workbook & BONUS Checklist - DayoneHR Course Exclusive (2:41)
Downloadable HR Implementation Workbook & BONUS Checklist - DayoneHR Course Exclusive
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